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Benefits of ،raising cats benefits of animal raising

Benefits of ،raising cats benefits of animal raising

Benefits of raising cats Cats have many psychological and social benefits.

 How to raise cats.

  • 1-Breeding cats.

  • 2-Healthy habits when raising cats.

  • 3-Common mistakes when raising cats.

  • 4-The benefits of raising cats.

  • 5-Disadvantages of raising cats.

  • 6- Breeding small cats,cute cat breeding Shirazi cats.

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 Breeding cats.

 Although raising cats is a fun thing for many people, it needs to provide many basic needs, including the following:

  •  nutrition.

 A good diet for cats should be provided depends on many factors.

  Such as age, 

activity level, and health, and the veterinarian may help in examining

 the cat and determining a good diet suitable for it,

 and clean and clean water must be 

provided to it throughout the day, 

taking into account the constant and permanent 

washing of the water bowl and keeping it clean. 

In the event of signs of loss of appetite  For cats, 

diarrhea, vomiting, or lethargy for more than two days,

 the doctor must be consulted to determine 

the causes of these symptoms until they are treated

  •  Cleanliness.

 Cat are distinguished by their ability to maintain 

their cleanliness for a long time, 

however, it is recommended to clean and comb them regularly

 and continuously, 

which maintains their general cleanliness, 

and reduces hair loss and the percentage of hairballsNot

 to make her a hairless cat.

  •  pregnancy method.

 To properly carry cats, one hand should be placed behind 

the cat's front 

legs and the other hand in the back,

 taking into account avoiding carrying

 the cat by the neck or front legs only.

  •  Residence.

 To keep cats from infectious diseases, fleas, 

the danger of dogs and others,

 it is recommended that the place of residence of cats inside

 the house is in a clean,

 dry and warm place that is cleaned continuously, 

which contributes to increasing the life of the cats.

  •  litter box.

 To maintain the cleanliness of the house, 

it is recommended to place

 a litter box for cats that enables them to spend 

their needs safely and cleanly,

 so it is recommended to place this box in 

an accessible place,

 taking into account to avoid changing its place except in 

the necessary cases gradually,

 and the box should be cleaned daily 

and continuously because cats do not  Use it if it is dirty 

and smells bad.

  •  Healthcare.

 It is recommended to consult a veterinarian 

immediately in case the cat is sick or injured, 

taking into account her visit to the doctor at least once 

a year for the necessary examinations.

  •  ID card.

 In the event that you want to take the cat for 

a walk outside,

 it is recommended to put a safety collar

 and an identification card to ensure its return in case it is lost.

 Healthy habits when raising cats.

 Raising cats is not without the risk of transmitting diseases and microbes to people who deal with cats, so it is recommended to adhere to healthy habits when raising them, including the following:

 1- Washing hands with soap and water when touching cats, or playing with them, 

and when cleaning their litter box.

2-Wearing gloves while working in the garden that contains cats and also while dealing with cats.

 3-Keep cats indoors and keep them away from stray animals outside.

 4-Training cats to use their litter box.

 5- Visiting the doctor periodically for medical examinations and evaluation,

 in order to reduce the transmission of diseases.

 Common mistakes when raising cats.

 Cat breeders make many mistakes, especially when it is their first experience in raising cats, and here are some of these mistakes:

 1- Neglecting to trim the claws of cats.

 Cats have sharp claws, and when 

they grow without trimming for a long time,

 they become painfully long for them 

if you do not use them to scratch for trimming, 

so it is recommended to trim their claws periodically, 

paying attention to the inability to remove 

the claws because this causes 

the cat to suffer and is an outlaw in  some countries. 

 Among the times that it is recommended to choose for pruning; 

Times of cat exhaustion, or the moment it wakes up from a deep sleep.

 2- Buy cheap and unsuitable food for cats.

 Cheap food may sometimes be unsuitable for the cat,

 so it is recommended before buying to check

 the ingredients of the product

 and make sure that it contains all the nutrients

 that the cat needs,

 as the food must contain mainly high levels of proteins, 

in addition to the need to choose products 

with low levels of carbohydrates  

So that carbohydrates do not cause 

the cat to gain weight and develop diseases.

 3- Ignoring cats’ treatment of diseases.

 The veterinarian should be visited as soon 

as possible when noticing

the emergence of a disease in cats, 

the disease may develop when neglecting 


and become more dangerous after it was very simple, and 

the discovery and follow-up of diseases 

from the beginning provides treatment costs for 

other things that the breeder would have been indispensable.

 4- Providing cats with large quantities of food.

 Cats should be provided with only

 the quantities of food they need.

 The cat is prone to gaining weight if 

the quantities of food provided to it exceed its needs.

 The instructions accompanying the cat or a visit to 

the veterinarian can be used to help develop 

a suitable diet for the cat.

 In general, cats’ need for food varies

 according to their age and health status.

 5- Neglecting to examine cats periodically.

 Cats should visit the veterinarian periodically to ensure 

that they are healthy and free of diseases. 

Cat diseases may develop without being noticed by their owners.

 Among the things that the veterinarian examines are the following:

  •  cat hair.
  •  ear.
  •  the teeth.
  •  the eyes.
  •  The skin under the hair.
  •  Weight check.
  •  blood test.

 Benefits of raising cats

 Breeding cats has many psychological and social benefits, including the following:

  •  Reducing exposure to stress, which leads to a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction.

  •  A sense of vitality, youth and activity, and an increased sense of responsibility towards others.

  •  Making the atmosphere of happiness, joy and laughter permeate the house, while increasing the feeling of peace.

  •  Helping children learn multiple lessons in trust, empathy, love and care.

  •  Reducing the risk of developing asthma and allergies when raising pets during childhood in children, according to a number of studies in the United Kingdom and the United States of America.

 Disadvantages of raising cats

 Breeding cats brings many disadvantages to their owners, including the following:

  •  Cats lose a lot of hair, which requires a great effort in the continuous and periodic cleaning of the house.

  •  The foul-smelling cat litter is annoying, and the first-time cat owner may not be willing to clean her toilet frequently.

  •  Cats' constant desire to scratch things, and this may bother cat breeders 
because of their keenness on their furniture,

 and it is recommended to have a special scratching pole to meet the cat's desires and reduce the possibility of damaging the furniture.

  •  Cat phobia can cause a lot of trouble, as some people may refrain from visiting a home where their owners have cats.

  •  The high costs of veterinarians with the need to visit them constantly, which requires financial allocations to take care of the cat's health.

  •  Cats love to hunt small prey, and it may not stop at catching them, but you may bring them home with them.

  •  Cats' extreme stubbornness and their reluctance to take orders and easily yield to them.

  •  Petting cats causes them to unintentionally scratch and bite their owners.

  •  Frequent cat vomit cleaning tasks.

  •  Disturbing cats when they wake up before their owners, and this may be in the early morning or even in the middle of the night.

list types of pets you can own.
