Types of pets.
There are a lot of animals that we all know as pets. But this list includes some animals
that we may feel surprised when describing them as pets, but we must not forget that
there are those who love to own everything that is strange and out of the ordinary,
and pets are no exception for him.
Some may be tempted to raise tigers, monkeys, or crocodiles,
but most of these animals
are doomed to death, due to the lack of a suitable environment
and food for them, or they are donated to zoos.
Pets can be divided according to the place where they are raised and kept, as follows:
Domestic pets.
They are the animals that are kept inside the house, including cats,
dogs, and some types of birds, including canaries parrots jaguars, magpies, and others.
Pets live in closed glass pens.
They are animals that require specific conditions of moisture and heat,
including lizards, turtles, frogs, toads, and snakes.
Pets that live in aquariums
Including aquarium fish of various types.
Pets live in cages.
Pets that live in cages are defined as the animals that are raised
in cages inside or outside the home, but under specific conditions that provide protection for the pet, including:
- rabbits.
- guinea pigs.
- mice.
- rats.
- hamster.
- chinchilla.
Pets live in the stable.
They are animals that are kept in stables outside the home, including:
- horses.
- donkeys.
- mules.
Benefits of owning pets The following are some of the benefits of owning and raising pets:
- It helps lower blood pressure.
- It reduces the level of cortisol, which
- rises in the blood when exposed to stress.
- Mood boosts.
- It reduces the feeling of loneliness.
- It reduces the feeling of stress.
This can be achieved when watching aquariums breeding ornamental fish,
and some hospitals and homes for the elderly
use dogs to relieve anxiety and tension in patients,
however some researchers advise to make sure that patients
are not exposed to germs from pets before allowing
them to communicate with them. It encourages physical activity,
especially when walking dogs.
Enhances social skills and a spirit of cooperation and reduces
bad behavior among children with hyperactivity and attention deficit,
according to a study
conducted by researchers to monitor the impact of the presence of dogs in
a classroom with ADHD, and another study indicated that children with
autism spend several minutes playing With animals,
it reduced their level of anxiety.
It is believed that living in a home that contains pets at an early
age leads to a reduction in the chances of developing allergies and asthma,
provided that the child is not allergic to this type of animal in the first place.
Enhances a sense of responsibility, a study was conducted on a group of adolescents
with diabetes who were assigned the tasks of caring for and feeding ornamental fish,
and the study indicated that they were more committed than other patients to check
their blood glucose level in the specified dates. The dangers of raising pets
Many people accept pets at home, without knowing that there are many diseases
that can be transmitted from the animal to it, or to members of its family,
especially children, pregnant women, and those with weak immune systems.
Therefore, some things must be taken into account when dealing with animals,
such as washing hands after touching them or touching their food and tools,
preventing children from kissing them, taking care of their cleanliness constantly,
presenting them to the vet periodically, and making sure to give them the necessary vaccinations.
Thus, it is possible to reduce the risk of contracting diseases that are likely to be transmitted to humans, including the following:
1-Influenza Influenza disease, including bird flu,
can be transmitted from infected cats to humans in rare cases.
2-Plague People become infected with plague when they are bitten or scratched by infected
dogs and cats, and plague can also be transmitted by inhaling air contaminated with bacteria that cause the disease.
3-Salmonella Humans may become infected with salmonella bacteria when touching infected turtles, or touching their tools and cages.
4-Rabies is a viral disease that affects the nervous system, and it can be transmitted from cats and dogs to humans.
Hantaviruses are viruses that are transmitted to humans when they breathe air contaminated with Hantavirus,
which is usually transmitted by rodents.
5-Campylobacteriosis, or Campylobacter infection, is a disease that humans contract
when they come into contact with the feces of a dog or cat infected with Campylobacter bacteria.
6-Toxoplasma is a disease that is transmitted to humans upon contact with the feces of cats
infected with a parasite called Toxoplasma gondii,
and the parasite causes damage to the brain, eyes and other organs,
and it can be transmitted from the pregnant mother to the fetus.
Soroma is a disease that people with weakened immune systems develop
when they are bitten, scratched, or even licked by cats and dogs infected
with the bacterium that causes the disease, called Capnocytophaga.
7-Cat scratch disease is a disease that affects humans when they are scratched or bitten
by a cat infected with the bacteria Bartonella henselae, and its symptoms.
- fever.
- The headache.
- poor appetite.
- fatigue.
- swollen lymph nodes.
To avoid getting sick, it is recommended to wash the cat’s bite and scratches
immediately with soap and water.
8-Leptospirosis is a disease that is transmitted to humans when they come into contact
with the urine of an animal infected with a type of H. pylori.
To avoid infection
pet owners are advised to wash their hands when touching animals,
or when touching items that their urine may reach.
MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a type of bacteria
transmitted from pets to their owners,
and causes them infections in the skin, respiratory system, and urinary tract.
Things to consider before buying a pet we include in the following.
Some things to consider before deciding to raise a pet:
Ensuring the possibility of a long-term commitment with the pet and the availability
of the ability to care and care for it, in addition to the possibility of allocating time for the pet.
It should be noted that the life expectancy of cats and dogs, for example,
is long, ranging between 10-15 years. Make sure you are financially able to own
a pet that requires high
expenses that include covering food, toys, a visit to the vet, treatment, and more.
Owning a pet requires attention and care. The lifestyle must be evaluated if it is appropriate or not.
For example, if the owner works for long periods and travels constantly,
he cannot own a pet,
as he needs attention and play with him constantly so that he does not feel isolated
that may lead to behavioral problems. Later. Make sure that no family member suffers
from allergies to pet fur and hair. This can be confirmed by interacting with a friend's pet before
owning the pet. Ensuring the ability to train the pet Training the pet to eliminate
its need in the designated place, and this requires time and effort.
The best pets to own We list the best pets to own:
Dogs are the best pets, and of course dog breeding needs a commitment from the owner and his entire family,
and he also needs some attention, by taking him to exercise, and providing the space he needs.
The cat is the second best pet after dogs, and it is characterized by its tenderness and its
need for a lot of love. It also needs attention, but at a lower level than dogs, as it needs to provide food and a litter box.
Rabbits are among the pets that families love to own, as they are a smart
and curious animal that children love,
and it also needs some attention by providing it with food, cleaning it, and doing some exercise,
and it needs interaction around it, especially if it does not have a companion.
A hamster.
The hamster mouse is the most favorite pet for children, and a number of different
breeds are available from it, some of which are very social, and others prefer isolation,
so you must make sure of its breed when buying a hamster, and hamsters need to eat
water and food, provide a place to sleep, and nesting materials .
Fish are a great choice of pets suitable for youngsters, and a small aquarium
can be purchased or made at first with some gold fish,
as children love to feed them, take care of them, and enjoy their company.
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